About Esther

Welcome beautiful soul! I am so glad you have been guided here and we have connected. I will be honoured to help you or your loved ones on a journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-healing. It’s my soul purpose to share my natural healing ability – combined with my innate wisdom – to encourage you to make room in your life to regenerate your body, mind and soul. I help clients of all ages – including babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly – to gently release stress, tension, trauma and self-limiting beliefs and replacing these negative states with relaxation, boosted energy levels, renewed purpose and clarity of mind.

Working in the fast-paced publishing industry while raising my family, I experienced stress and burnout (adrenal fatigue). My background in journalism with my penchant for research and finding answers encouraged me to learn how adrenal fatigue affects the immune system, energy levels, fertility, menopause, sleep patterns and mood, etc. I am a Menopause Wellness Practitioner and I share this knowledge with clients, including those who are transitioning through perimenopause and menopause throughout which adrenal gland health is paramount to easing the symptoms of this change from the mother stage to the crone stage of life. I realised that self-care and self-love are a priority for optimum physical and mental health. Your own cup needs to be full in order to give to others in a state of balance.

You may look at me and think my life seems great. If so, then you’re quite intuitive too. But it wasn’t always so. I am living proof that the past does not have to be your present or enslave you. You have the choice in any and every moment to break free from the binds of trauma, depression and grief to live a happy and fulfilling life free from the pain of the past or worry about the future. I grew up in a dysfunctional family with emotionally wounded parents and find it unbelievable now that I used to not want to be here on Earth. For many years, it never felt like home, but now I am so grateful to be here. Never give up, because things always get better. Happiness is just one thought away. Build on positivity, not negativity.

My older brother, Martin, was born with the ultra-rare genetic WAGR syndrome, which brought our family years of uncertainty, stress, depression, loneliness, anger, trauma and grief, but it’s a waste of your life to wallow in self-pity when you could bask in joy. Witnessing my parents suffer and sacrifice so much for my brother and observing my mum’s total trust in listening to her own intuition when others would not hear her truths inspired me to trust my intuition. As a child living with the effects of my mum’s trauma and depression, I developed compassion and counselling skills and this also inspired me in adulthood to facilitate women’s wellness circles including ancestral womb healing to help support and empower women in a safe space in healing many things including guilt, shame and powerlessness so they remember their truth and worth while reconnecting to the divine feminine within them.

I found the courage to delve into the pain of my own physical, emotional and spiritual healing, including inner child work, shadow work, counselling, ancestral healing, womb healing, shamanic healing, navigating the “dark night of the soul” and spiritual awakening/emergency and dealing with people with narcissistic personality disorder, etc. I survived and thrived. I dealt with triggers, broke negative patterns and transformed self-limiting beliefs. All this forged me into a strong, resilient and wise person; an accomplished spiritual warrior and spiritual teacher ready to help you using my skill set and experience. I found my way back to love, back to peace. I became an alchemist who transformed the heavy lead of my pain into bright, light gold for you, i.e. I transformed my painful experiences into wisdom with which to help you through your challenges.

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that having a purpose in life makes you live longer? That’s because a purpose is something worth living for. It’s important for people to believe in themselves and to follow their dreams. I intuitively help people to find or reconnect with their interests and passions and pursue these with courage because when a person does what lights them up, their life is filled with joy and purpose. That could encompass anything from simply finding peace within and being happy in your own company or unlocking hidden or repressed talents that bring you joy or help others in some way. I encouraged someone to focus on their art and now their work is on display in exhibitions in their capital city and they make a living from their talent and passion. I encouraged another person to stop making excuses as to why they didn’t have the time to start upcycling all the furniture they had gathered to revamp and sell. I advised them to start with one piece at a time to make it manageable while raising their large family, assisting them to overcome their self-doubt and procrastination and the business is up and running. 

Part of my soul purpose is to help you by sharing my “old soul” wisdom and guidance with you and facilitating your healing journey through my holistic therapies and inspirational writing. My angels and guides encouraged me to write my award-winning children’s picture book A little bit EXTRAORDINARY (www.estherrobinson.co.uk). I manifested this dream of mine partly through the type of visualisation techniques I use with clients in Integrated Energy Therapy® sessions and through my understanding of each one of us being a co-creator with the universe.

I offer intuitive life guidance sessions both in person and remotely to anyone anywhere in the world. Many people do not realise or understand that physical proximity or distance has no bearing at all on an intuitive’s ability to tune into a person’s energy/emotional body – with their permission, of course – to know about them in order to help them by finding out the root cause of what needs addressing or healing. Even though it’s a hard concept to grasp in this 3D Earth realm that we live in, my personal experiences have shown me that time and space are illusions.

Since my spiritual awakening in 20122013, I have been able to connect “beyond the veil” to understand that our departed loved ones are still with us, watching over us and assisting us daily throughout our lives to experience miracles – I have witnessed many. I know there is no fear in death as it is simply a transition of the soul from one form of existence – in a physical body – to another form of energy/existence that is not in the confines of a physical body. I can connect easily with the angelic realms, your ancestors and departed loved ones for insights, guidance and messages to assist you on your life journey and through any “spiritual emergency” (a sudden and overwhelming spiritual awakening or kundalini awakening). In the beautiful stillness, when our minds are quiet, our hearts are open and the compassion flows, they come with messages of love, hope, comfort and reassurance for you and I am privileged to be the messenger.

I also have the ability to feel and clear negative energy from your home, buildings or land either in person or remotely. I have carried out a great deal of energy work over the years clearing ley lines and sacred/ancient sites around the world.

The ancient Sisterhood of the Rose is returning and blossoming on Earth at this time. I am but one petal of this unfolding, privileged to carry the healing blue ray of the Divine Mother energy. I created some beautiful guided meditations to open your heart to give and receive a deeper level of love and compassion to bring you back to “The Way” of love. Over the centuries, people have become more focused on making decisions with their head rather than their heart, creating a patriarchal society of imbalance that needs healing. Your are very welcome to download my mediations as a FREE GIFT from me to you in the Free Meditations section.  

Nature is our greatest teacher and natural therapies are our greatest healer. Hence, I am an advocate of spending time in nature as it is a form of natural healing whereby we are activated and healed by sunlight and fresh air, energised by moonlight, cleansed and renewed by water, nurtured and grounded by the energy of trees and plant life while being supported when we walk on Mother Earth. I love animals and I can send healing to your pets and livestock too. I have a particular fondness for dogs and I am deeply grateful to be privy to the language of birds. I love being a mum and in my spare time I enjoy writing, photography and playing tennis. My other passions include aromatherapy, artwork, reading, meditation, sound healing, music, dancing, movies, theatre, walking, kayaking, foraging, exploring, travelling and visiting the beach, forests and ancient sacred sites.

Growing up in London gifted me the opportunity to meet many people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, which has made me open-minded and deeply respectful of people’s privacy and confidentiality. I now live in Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, and feel so grateful to live amid the beautiful lakelands. My clients love the peaceful, high vibration energy I have created in the Regeneration Room, which has underfloor heating and an inbuilt air filtration system for your optimum health and comfort. It is located close to the shores of Lough Erne. The element of water is related to the Divine Feminine and to the healing of emotions.

Do you feel inspired to make yourself a priority; to invest in your health and wellbeing; to reap the benefits of a therapy or guidance session with me and its positive ripple effects on those around you? Then give yourself permission right now for the new you to unfurl like a beautiful fern in the forest feeling fresh, free, grounded and ready to grow into your full potential. If you’d like to help a friend or loved one improve their wellbeing too, I have gift vouchers available to purchase. 

Regenerate your body, mind and soul at Regeneration Room.