Menopause Wellness

My holistic and unique Regeneration Bloom Menopause Wellness Packages have so much to offer you to help you journey with ease and grace through perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

I have always had a passion for helping and supporting women to feel better physically and mentally, to find self-empowerment and develop self-care techniques and routines. To add to the wealth of knowledge about perimenopause I had already gained through my own experience and research in order to help myself and share this with other women, I studied a Practitioners Diploma in Menopause Wellness. Journeying through perimenopause, I realise that looking after yourself at this stage of life is non-negotiable. If you don’t, you will likely experience an unnecessarily harder time with perimenopause symptoms, but there is no need to suffer. Ending hormone horror or havoc is simpler than you think. Working with me can lead you into hormone harmony. I can help you through perimenopause, menopause and beyond.



Step 1: Book a One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation with Esther

Because there is no “one size fits all” and no “one-pill-fix” for perimenopause/menopause, I tailor for you, a One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation with me either in-person or over the phone/video call to provide a holistic approach to navigating and improving your perimenopause/menopause journey. We can discuss your lifestyle, diet, exercise, mental/emotional health and menopause symptoms and see how you can make simple, quick and effective adjustments to these, which will improve your metabolic health to balance your hormones, boost your energy levels, improve your sleep, decrease your anxiety and ease menopause symptoms, which can also help with regulating your weight.

I have a wealth of knowledge related to natural supplements and herbs that can be used as alternatives to HRT, to support adrenal gland health, liver health, to aid digestion, to diminish brain fog, to reduce inflammation, to promote sleep, boost libido and boost energy to alleviate your menopause symptoms. I had adrenal fatigue (burnout) in 2014, so I have known for 10 years how important it is to look after your adrenal glands, long before this condition started to be talked about recently in the field of menopause. Back then, most people (even doctors) thought adrenal fatigue didn’t exist as a physical condition and they had no idea that it affected women so profoundly in perimenopause and beyond. I healed my adrenal fatigue myself through my own research that led me to change my diet and lifestyle, so I know how to help you with this. I have shared with many of my clients (I see adrenal gland issues showing up frequently in the foot reflexes of my Reflexology clients) how imperative it is to have healthy adrenal glands in order to alleviate stress, boost immunity and to enable the vital role adrenal gland health plays post-menopause producing hormones when the ovaries stop producing them. Now, there’s hundreds of products available to support adrenal gland health and everyone in the menopause field is talking about it. 

Are You Experiencing Adrenal Fatigue or Perimenopause/Menopause Symptoms or Both?

Look at the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and how similar many of them are to perimenopause symptoms, so if you have adrenal fatigue you may mistake it for perimenopause. If you have adrenal fatigue, when you reach perimenopause/menopause, you will likely experience more severe symptoms and blame the way you are feeling solely on menopause when in fact the problem could be emanating from the condition of your adrenal glands. 

  • Adrenal fatigue symptoms can include: difficulty getting up in the morning; a huge level of fatigue every day with higher levels of energy in the evenings; extreme tiredness an hour after exercise; inability to deal with stress; cravings for salty foods; overuse of stimulants such as caffeine; a weak immune system; anxiety; asthma, allergies or respiratory complaints; dark circles under your eyes; dizziness; depression; dry skin; frequent urination; insomnia; joint pain; lines in your fingertips; loss of muscle tone; low blood pressure; low blood sugar; low sex drive; lower back pain; numbness in your fingers/poor circulation; and weight gain.

I know how to help your adrenal glands recover and can share this knowledge with you.

I can share simple mindfulness techniques that you can incorporate in your daily routine to relieve stress to reduce cortisol (stress hormone), which will improve your emotional wellbeing, assist your adrenal gland health and help to lessen your insulin resistance, which may help to regulate your weight. You will have my support as an intuitive and compassionate woman who understands what you are going through. I am a great listener who creates a safe and supportive environment where you can be open, be yourself, laugh or cry. Together, we will address your symptoms and the main areas you are struggling with and find solutions. I have a deep understanding of the body-mind connection to help you understand how your body and mind are interacting and how this is playing out in your symptoms.

It’s not enough to only address your physical body/physical symptoms in perimenopause/menopause. If you ignore your emotional and spiritual aspects, you will still be out of balance since all three – mind, body and spirit – are interconnected. For example, if you are holding onto anger – especially from the past – you may hinder your liver from functioning properly, which means your body will have a harder time processing your own hormones or hormones from HRT. If you are holding onto resentment, you may experience digestive issues. While constipation can be caused by fluctuations in hormones, dehydration or a poor diet, it can also be caused by you being resistant to the physiological and psychological changes of “The Change” on an emotional level.

Working with me, you will gain insights to understand yourself better and step forward more confidently by recognising, understanding and dealing with your symptoms both physically and emotionally. You are an individual who requires an individual programme in which you will benefit from my knowledge in addition to my deep intuition and unique healing ability. The One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation can be combined with some in-person Regeneration Bloom Menopause Wellness Packages (see below) that involve complementary therapies and follow-up discussions of your progress. If you are unable to attend Regeneration Room in person and you would like to check in to discuss your progress with me and find further motivation and encouragement, you can book the Extended One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation for £60, which will include your initial One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation over the phone, followed up by two 15-minute phone calls at four weeks and eight weeks after your initial consultation. 

Investment: One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation 45–60 minutes consultation either in person or over the phone £40. 


Extended One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation, which includes your initial One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation 45-60 minutes over the phone followed up by two 15-minute phone calls, the first at four weeks and the second at eight weeks after your initial consultation: £60. 


Your Choice: A Nature-based Journey Through Menopause or HRT or a Combination of Both?

My Regeneration Bloom Menopause Wellness Packages (see below) can help you regardless of whether you are taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or not. While HRT can alleviate symptoms, has some benefits and may be used to help women who have had a hysterectomy or are at risk of osteoporosis such as women with eating disorders where a lack of adequate nutrition long-term has led to brittle bones, there are a plethora of natural supplements that can alleviate the myriad symptoms of menopause without the need to take synthetic hormones that have side effects.

If you take HRT, you need to be aware that as you get older – and especially after the age of 60 – the risks of HRT may start to outweigh the benefits. The longer you take combined HRT, the higher the risk of breast cancer. HRT tablets (but not patches or gels) are linked with a higher risk of developing a blood clot and a higher risk of stroke.

HRT is not suitable for women who have had breast cancer, ovarian cancer or womb cancer or who have undiagnosed irregular vaginal bleeding. HRT may not be suitable for women who have had hormonal sensitivity to the contraceptive pill. HRT may not be suitable for people who have had cholecystitis, intrahepatic cholecystitis of pregnancy or other gallbladder disease since HRT (oestrogen therapy) may promote cholecystitis and the formation of gallstones (cholelithiasis) since oestrogen increases cholesterol in the bile while progesterone slows down the emptying of the gallbladder. Gallbladder disease is common in post-menopausal women. 

Possible side effects of taking oestrogen can include: headaches; breast pain or tenderness; unexpected vaginal bleeding or spotting; nausea; mood changes, including low mood or depression; leg cramps; mild rash or itching; diarrhoea; and hair loss.

Possible side effects of progestogen can include: changes in your periods, including spotting or bleeding between periods; headaches; breast pain or tenderness; nausea; diarrhoea; feeling tired or dizzy; mood changes, including low mood or depression; mild rash or itchy skin; and acne.

Possible side effects of tibolone (Livial) can include: breast tenderness; stomach pain or pelvic pain; unusual hair growth; vaginal discharge, vaginal itching or thrush; and vaginal bleeding.

During the first few months of starting HRT, it’s common to have irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting, which normally settles within six months and is not usually a sign of anything serious. If you take sequential combined HRT or daily oestrogen with separate progestogen tablets for part of the month, it’s normal to have withdrawal bleeding at the end of each course of progestogen. If you take continuous combined HRT, it’s common to have irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting in the first four to six months. If after taking HRT for at least six months you are not feeling better, instead of assuming it’s because you need to increase your dosage, you may need to consider how you may be out of balance in other ways and avail of my wellness packages.

A TV News report a couple of years ago touted HRT as a type of “miracle cure” for menopausal women dealing with Long Covid. It isn’t. The News report didn’t explain why it seemed to help these women because then people would be able to find the natural alternatives and become self-empowered by healing their adrenal glands and Long Covid themselves. What the HRT did was pump oestrogen and progesterone into the menopausal women’s bodies so their adrenal glands didn’t have to work hard to produce sex hormones and their adrenal glands could then concentrate on their other function of regulating cortisol (stress hormone) levels to allow the immune system to function properly so the body could heal from the virus. A healthy diet combined with natural supplements that nourish the adrenal glands and stress management techniques will do this naturally. You can heal yourself! You can make menopause easy!

In perimenopause and menopause your hormones will fluctuate. If you take HRT, you will likely need to stop at some stage and then your hormones will fluctuate again, so I am also here to help ease the symptoms of the transition period – physical and emotional – post-HRT with my natural Regeneration Bloom Menopause Wellness Packages.



Step 2. Do you want to feel even better in body, mind and spirit?

Then select and book one of my three beautifully beneficial Regeneration Bloom Menopause Wellness Packages with lots of optional extras with amazing value (you will find details of these fabulous extras below).


OPTION 1: Regeneration Bloom La Vie en Rose Menopause Wellness Package is an eight-week journey that includes the One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation for 45–60 minutes and a 45–60-minute Reflexology treatment (incorporating rose essential oil) taken together at one appointment. This is followed by two Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massages (MLD) at four weeks and eight weeks later. (If you have chronic swelling in your legs the MLD can be given once a week instead.) The numerous benefits of MLD for menopause are listed below. Each time we meet we can discuss your progress and how you are feeling on your menopause journey and tweak this if necessary. No longer wilting, you will see and feel improvements in your skin, relaxation, detoxification, boosted immunity, better mood and a reduction in inflammation as you regenerate into a blooming rose full of vitality.

Investment: £155 (you save £35 off the full price). This must be paid in full at the time of booking.


OPTION 2: Regeneration Bloom Coming Up Roses Menopause Wellness Package is an eight-week journey that focuses on combining Reflexology and Aromatherapy Massage with the myriad healing properties of rose essential oil for your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing through your perimenopause/menopause journey. We begin with an extended appointment to accommodate your One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation for 45–60 minutes and a 45–60-minute Reflexology treatment using either an essential oil blend or an organic reflexology cream that includes rose essential oil. Many cultures regard rose essential oil as being the healer of the mind, body and spirit, which is the purpose of Regeneration Room. I have worked with the energy of the rose for many years and deepened that connection though my Diploma in Aromatherapy to combine rose essential oil into my healing techniques. This is followed up by two indulgent Full Body Aromatherapy Massages that combine rose essential oil at four weeks and eight weeks later. Each time we meet we can discuss your progress and how you are feeling on your menopause journey and tweak this if necessary.

Benefits of Rose Essential Oil: rose essential oil is a great tonic for regenerating the skin that can help to moisturise, alleviate dry and itchy skin, and help fade scars and blemishes. The high antioxidant content may help to diminish fine lines and wrinkles. Rose oil may regulate hormone production and help balance hormones. It may reduce the pain associated with menstruation and post-menopausal syndrome. It can reduce anxiety as it has sedative qualities that bring calm, alleviate depression and reconnect you with feelings of self-love, love and compassion. Rose oil may boost libido (which can drop in perimenopause and menopause as oestrogen and testosterone levels naturally decline), promote circulation, reduce inflammation, treat wounds, relieve spasms, protect from viruses, eliminate bacteria such as leucorrhoea (often caused by oestrogen imbalance) and other infections, purify the blood, take care of the heart, reduce blood pressure, and help alleviate headaches and asthma. 

Investment: £155 (you save £35 off the full price). This must be paid in full at the time of booking.


OPTION 3: Regeneration Bloom Rosebud Sole to Soul Menopause Wellness Package is for women who cannot have Manual Lymphatic Drainage or other types of massage for medical reasons, or for those who simply love Reflexology. This fabulous alternative is a rebalancing programme that spans eight weeks, beginning with an extended appointment for your One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation for 45–60 minutes after which you relax, rebalance and regenerate during a Reflexology treatment that includes rose essential oil in either an oil blend or organic reflexology cream used in your nurturing foot massage at the end of the Reflexology treatment. This is followed up with two further Reflexology treatments, one four weeks later and the next four weeks after that during which we can discuss your progress and how you are feeling on your menopause journey and tweak things if necessary. You will see and feel yourself relaxing, letting go of all that no longer serves you, healing and balancing your mind, body, spirit and hormones and alleviating menopause symptoms as you transform like a rosebud developing into a blooming rose.

Investment: £135 (you save £25 off the full price). This must be paid in full at the time of booking.



AMAZING VALUE ADD-ONS: It is extremely beneficial for you to continue with your self-care and check-ins with me through these Menopause Wellness Packages since perimenopause symptoms can last up to around 10 years and women need to maintain optimal physical and mental health during the perimenopause/menopause years. Therefore, I am offering women who book one of my Regeneration Bloom Menopause Wellness Packages the fantastic opportunity to remain full of vitality, boosted immunity and balance long-term through building a continued relationship with me as their Menopause Wellness Practitioner through which you can book discounted Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Aromatherapy Massage or Reflexology session packages.

Choose from either:

La Vie en Rose Add-on: One session of Reflexology plus two sessions of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) to be used over a minimum period of three weeks to a maximum 12-week period for the discounted price of £120 (saving £20). (This must be paid in full at the time of booking.)


Coming Up Roses Add-on: One session of Reflexology plus two sessions of Full Body Aromatherapy Massage to be used over a minimum period of three weeks to a maximum 12-week period for the discounted price of £120 (saving £20). (This must be paid in full at the time of booking.)


Rosebud Sole to Soul Add-on: Three sessions of Reflexology to be used over a minimum period of three weeks to a maximum 12-week period for the discounted price of £105 (saving £15). This must be paid in full at the time of booking.



Esther’s Myrrophore Rose and Golden Love Light Womb Healing: This 30-minute, deeply relaxing, hands-on energy healing that is unique to me is a powerful and beautiful treatment that connects in with the energy of the Rose (the vibration of love) and the Golden Love Light (the purest form of energy healing) to energetically clear, heal and bless your womb space. It may help to ease menstrual, perimenopause and menopause symptoms. It may help you accept and welcome the journey through perimenopause and menopause as you transition from the “mother energy” stage of your life to the “crone energy” (wise woman) stage with ease and grace, regardless of whether you have given birth to children or not. It can assist in releasing emotional trauma, guilt, shame, unworthiness, ancestral trauma, trauma from abusive intimate relationships, emotional pain and grief from child loss or miscarriage, and painful emotions from difficult or unloving relationships with females in your life, etc. 

Investment: Esther’s Myrrophore Rose and Golden Love Light Womb Healing: £30 for 30 minutes.


Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) for Perimenopause/Menopause:

  • Deep relaxation and better sleep.
  • Eases menopause symptoms including skin issues, water retention, bloating, mood swings, insomnia, migraines, cellulite and fatigue. 
  • Detoxifying programme: metabolic waste, poisons and trapped water will be removed, thereby reducing the presence of free radicals that age the body, boosting the immune system and enabling hormones to function properly. 
  • Premenstrual tension: relaxation is induced due to the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Fluid retention is reduced due to the increased lymph production and drainage. 
  • In post-menopausal women, when the ovaries stop producing hormones, the sources of precursors for oestrogens and testosterone (androstenedione and DHEA) and progesterone are produced by the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands form part of the immune system, so if they are overworked through stress, or playing a role in steroid sex hormone synthesis as well as fighting off viruses then menopause symptoms may feel worse and the body will take longer to recover from illness, including Long Covid. Since MLD boosts the immune system and detoxification, helps the lung area and encourages natural pain relief it can speed up recovery from viruses. Regular MLD treatments boost immunity to prevent illness.
  • Constipation is quite common in menopausal women due to hormonal changes. Symptoms of constipation may be relieved by the MLD massage in the abdominal area, stimulating the bowels to move. It increases parasympathetic nerve activity to promote relaxation and normal bowel movements. 
  • Skin: elasticity is improved and skin conditions improve due to the stimulation of the connective tissue and increased drainage.
  • Congested skin: the removal of waste products is stimulated from the connective tissue beneath.
  • Cellulite: metabolic waste, poisons and trapped water are removed from the skin through stimulation of lymph drainage. Circulation is improved.
  • Acne: MLD removes waste products and stimulates the connective tissue beneath and reduces inflammation.
  • Scarring: MLD helps scars to heal and reduces the impact of scarring and regenerates tissues (excellent post-operative treatment for recovery).
  • Rosacea: inflammation is reduced and broken capillaries become less obvious.
  • Facial erythema: broken capillaries look less obvious.
  • Migraine: the relaxation and pleasurable feelings stimulate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system to relieve and help prevent migraines.
  • Swollen ankles: lymph production and drainage are increased, taking excess fluid out of the area. (Having tight muscles can also result in fluid retention in the legs.)
  • Fatigued legs: resting position of the legs during treatment eases fatigue. Lymph production and drainage of lymph is stimulated, draining excess fluid and waste products out of the area. Relaxation and pleasurable feelings in the legs are induced due to the stimulation of the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system.
  • Pain relief: can alleviate the pain from fibromyalgia, fractures, sprains and rheumatism by stimulating the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system.
  • Allergies can increase during menopause: histamine production could be reduced by the stimulation of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Inflammation/oedema is reduced. May be beneficial to sufferers of hay fever.
  • Sinus issues can worsen or develop during perimenopause/menopause as oestrogen levels decline, causing a drop in mucous production. Working on facial lymphatics can help clear this, while working on all the lymphatic points can stimulate the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system to reduce inflammation.
  • Chronic eczema: inflammation is reduced. Skin healing/tissue regeneration is stimulated.
  • Female singers can better maintain their singing voice since MLD relieves symptoms of swelling or build-up around the face and neck, which can be exacerbated by hormone fluctuations or allergies such as hay fever. Hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle affect the speaking/singing voice in one in three women since hormone fluctuations can cause inflammation in the folds of the vocal cords, making singing more of an effort than usual, as well as decreasing vocal range and making the voice husky in some cases.
  • Too much Botox on the crow’s feet can lead to a loss of natural muscular lymphatic drainage, so MLD can help counterbalance this, but Botox users must wait at least two weeks after receiving Botox before they can have MLD.

Benefits of Reflexology in Perimenopause/Menopause:

In a Reflexology treatment with me, I work on you holistically to heal and balance your body and emotions. I work on all the reflexes in your feet so that all organs, glands and systems, etc., in your body are treated. As part of this, I know how to sooth and reset the pituitary gland located in the brain, which is the master gland in control of all hormones. I know how to soothe your adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone cortisol. Adrenal gland health will play a part in determining how calm and energised you feel, how well your immune system is working and after menopause these glands “take over” sex hormone production so they have to work harder then. I work on the liver to help detoxify your body and boost hormone balance, and the gallbladder and intestines to aid digestion and relieve constipation. I work on your thymus to boost immunity and your thyroid to boost your metabolism. The treatment will nurture your pelvic area regardless of whether you still have your womb. It will sooth your sinuses to help alleviate allergies and sinus issues and assist with lymph drainage. The treatment is so relaxing you may fall asleep during it, but you will still sleep so well that night, bringing deeper relaxation, reduced cortisol and deeper healing leading to increased energy.


How My Perimenopause Journey Enables Me to Help You …

The menopause has often been referred to as “The Change”. Many women dread menopause – viewing it as a curse or inconvenience – begrudging the changes in their skin, body shape and emotions and they start telling themselves that a good quality of life is now out of reach. What the menopause really calls for is “The Change” in the way you think about it and the way you approach it. I can help you transform your mindset, so you not only have acceptance of this time of your life, but that you embrace it and become empowered. Moving through perimenopause/menopause is a rite of passage and a privilege to transition from the mother archetype into the crone (wise woman) archetype.

Having experienced perimenopause for several years as well as dealing with burnout (adrenal fatigue) in 2014 from working in a demanding job while juggling motherhood and putting everyone else first, I knew I had to change the way I was living and how I was treating my body and mind. I also knew I had the power within me to make myself well again and so can you. I am here to give you the all-round support to do just that. You don’t have to struggle on your own or for a long time.

With a background in journalism and a life-long passion for natural remedies and complementary therapies, I proactively researched ways to ease my perimenopause symptoms naturally and mastered my hormones to restore my body back to hormone harmony. During a one-to-one personal consultation with me, I can share these simple and effective steps with you.

But it’s not just your physical aspect that is affected by perimenopause/menopause. Everyone needs to look after their mental health, so emotional balance is key. Everyone also has a spiritual aspect – whether they are consciously aware of it or not – so you also need to look after your spiritual side for a truly holistic journey of nurturing your whole self: body, mind and spirit. This is where my One-to-One Hormone Harmony Consultation can be expanded to combine with my in-person holistic treatments of Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Aromatherapy Massage or Reflexology discounted packages to restore and maintain balance in your physical, emotional and spiritual health.

I have worked with the energy of the rose for many years and I have assisted lots of women on a one-to-one basis through my various therapies as well as helping women while facilitating women’s circles. On an emotional and spiritual level, you can store trauma, ancestral wounding, guilt, shame and emotional pain in your womb, which can manifest as physical pain and illnesses in the pelvic area as well as a loss in self-confidence, a loss in creativity and purpose and an inability to speak your truth with confidence and integrity. Spirit has called me to offer a beautiful, sacred and unique energetic womb healing using the energy of the Rose and the Golden Love Light to help with this.

I know of some women who are taking HRT for one reason: they believe it will keep them looking youthful for longer. Social media has to lot to answer for if it makes a woman place more value on her looks than on her health. However, this outlook can also stem from a person’s ingrained lack of self-worth and from being overly concerned about how other people perceive them, which are self-limiting beliefs that I can help with by assisting you to change your mindset to one of self-belief and self-empowerment. Integrated Energy Therapy sessions with me are great for releasing limiting beliefs.

If you are willing to enact small changes that lead to big changes, to adopt a different mindset, to incorporate self-care into your life, to nourish your body and mind, to have willpower and self-discipline then we have the perfect starting point for the new you living in hormone harmony. I can give you the inspiration and encouragement to embrace change.

Let’s stay well together!

Let’s bloom together!

Make room in your life to regenerate your body, mind and soul!